Chiral magnetism or more specifically topological magnetic skyrmions in chiral magnets are one of the most exciting current topics in condensed matter physics. Magnetic skyrmions are two-dimensionally localised magnetic excitations that are metastable over macroscopic times and behave like single particles. They are promising for low-power memory and/or logic architectures due to their small size and potential for manipulation using ultra-low current densities. The stability of the skyrmions result from a competition of different magnetic and relativistic exchange interactions such as the Heisenberg and the Dyzaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Aim of the thesis is to determine these interactions for interesting materials from the basic laws of quantum mechanics using very sophisticated first-principles methods based on density functional theory. So far the community focussed on axisymmetric skyrmions. In this thesis we look at materials with potential for antiskyrmions.
Master Thesis contents:
- Introduction to spin-lattice models including Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
- Introduction to ab-initio methodology to perform interaction parameters for real materials
- Determining interaction parameters for ultrathin magnetic films
- Using a multiscale approach, skyrmions or antiskyrmion profiles using calculated parameters
Your Profile:
The candidate should have a
- a good motivation to enjoy research in an excellent environment
- it is expected to have a solid background in solid state physics, and to have motivation to dive into computational physics
What We Offer:
- Excellent guidance and mentoring.
- Research in a friendly, multitopical and international setting
- as well as a cooperative work environment in a dynamical institute.
- A fantastic research and computational infrastructure
Prof. Stefan Blügel
Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI) &
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
Forschungszentrum Jülich
D-52425 Jülich, Germany
tel: +49-2461-61-4249
For further information please contact Prof. Blügel or visit our website at