Tuomas Uusheimo: AALTO 20151016, Aalto-yliopiston kandidaattikeskus Y-osa / Aalto University Undergraduate Centre Y-block, Espoo, Finland

Evolving smart grids combine electric power grid technologies with advanced information and communications technologies to create sustainable energy systems. In electric power grids, critical control related communication has typically been carried over dedicated communications links. Going forward, smart grids will more extensively utilize the flexibility provided by public layer 3 and 5G networks. This will introduce a security challenge which has to be addressed.

Your role and goals

You will analyse and model the formal and practical requirements that are applicable to smart grid information systems and  networks. This includes:

  • Identifying current and potential future power grid security requirements. This activity covers current existing smart grid security standards like IEC 62351, latest research publications and power grid operator interview
  • Security threat analysis
  • Evaluation of alternative existing security technologies for the use case

Your network and team

You will work under Professor Raimo  Kantola’s supervision. Your instructor will be Doctoral Candidate Seppo Borenius. You will co-operate with team members from multiple Aalto University departments, in particular from the Department of Communications and Networking and from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation. Power grid operators will provide the user perspective to the requirements and to the evaluation of different technology alternatives.

Your experience and ambitions

We expect applicants to have:    

  • Genuine interest in smarts grids and security solutions
  • Bachelor’s degree in communications, computer science or power systems
  • Very Good knowledge of written and spoken English

Ready to apply?

If you want to join our community, please submit your application by using the online recruitment system link ‘Apply now!, no later than November 15, 2020.

To apply, please share the following application materials with us:

  • Application letter
  • CV
  • Study transcripts
  • Recommendation letter(s) from previous supervisors or employers

The position will be filled as soon as possible and will last for 6 months. A part-time internship position leading to the thesis is also possible.

If you wish to hear more about the position, you can reach out to Doctoral Candidate Seppo Borenius seppo.borenius@aalto.fi (research related information) or HR Coordinator Susanna Saarinen susanna.saarinen@aalto.fi (application process, practical arrangements).Interested?

Apply now!

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