Job description

Are you inspired to work for the exciting Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at TU Eindhoven? We’re looking for you as our new faculty member to expand our academic staff in the Data and AI cluster.

Successful candidates may follow the development track leading to a permanent position and starting their own research group or join one of existing groups with one-year contract followed by a permanent appointment subject to a positive evaluation.

We welcome excellent candidates that can contribute to starting a new research direction or to joining any of the current research areas of the Data and AI (DAI) cluster.

About us
Eindhoven University of Technology is a top-ranking Dutch university that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a number 1 position in collaborating with sophisticated industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to craft solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow.

Data and AI Cluster
At DAI we study foundations of AI for the present and the future. We design new AI methods, develop AI algorithms and tools with a view at expanding the reach of AI and its generalization abilities. In particular, we study foundational issues of robustness, safety, fairness, trust, reliability, tractability, scalability, interpretability and explain ability of AI. Currently, DAI includes four research groups: Uncertainty in AI, Data Mining, Databases and Decision Support Systems. DAI research is regularly published at top AI journals and conferences such as IJCAI, AAAI, ICML, ECMLPKDD, ICDM, NeurIPS, VLDB, and SIGMOD among others.

We actively collaborate with industry (Philips Research, KPN, Oracle labs, Rabobank, Achmea) through multiple co-funded PhD projects. Each academic year DAI attracts 70+ excellent MSc students for their internships and final thesis projects, many of which are done in collaboration with industry and other departments.

DAI is responsible for developing and teaching core data science and AI courses at MSc level, including Foundations of AI, Research Topics in Data Mining, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Text Mining, Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning, Generative Models, as well as challenge-based education such as Data Challenges, and at BSc level including Data Mining and Machine Learning and Responsible Data Science.

Successful candidates are expected to contribute to teaching by developing new courses starting already from the ongoing academic year.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
With over 100 (assistant, associate and full) professors, almost 200 PhD and PDEng students, about 1100 Bachelor students and 600 Master students, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (M&CS) is one of the largest departments of the TU/e. By performing top-level fundamental and applied research, and maintaining strong ties with industry, M&CS aims to contribute to science and to innovation in and beyond the region.

This is reflected in a rich portfolio of projects and grants that our professors attract (including ERC and national level personal grants, H2020, NWO, and industry co-funded projects). M&CS is offering high-quality educational programs including multiple Bachelor and Master programs, all fully taught in English, including a full Data Science curriculum and a new Data Science and AI MSc program.

The Department covers three domains: Mathemtics, Computer Science and Data Science. DAI is a cluster inside the Data Science domain and there are many relations and collaboration opportunities with clusters in other domains, most notably with the stochastics groups and the Analysis groups

The department’s relationship with the high-tech industry in the Brainport region means that interested staff and students can contribute directly to the development of technological innovations with real-world relevance. The department has produced a number of successful spin-offs, and participates in many national and international research consortia.

Artificial Intelligence: ambition meets opportunity in Eindhoven
TU Eindhoven (TU/e) has identified AI as one of the key multi­disciplinary research opportunities in its Strategy 2030. There is an ongoing initiative at both university and department level to strengthen our AI research and AI education. TU/e has set aside significant funds to achieve its ambitions (100+MEuro at the university level through the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute).

Job requirements

We seek to appoint an assistant or associate professor in the general area of Uncertainty in AI, who is passionate about research as well as teaching. We particularly welcome excellent candidates that can contribute to foundational aspects of AI and machine learning.
The successful candidate will help with developing and/or delivering courses in DAI cluster, such as Foundations of AI, Explainable AI, Text Mining, Reinforcement Learning, Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning, and Generative Models, and will supervise students at all levels.

The working language in the department and across the university is English. An important aspect of TU/e’s vision on education is that research and education go hand in hand, both at Bachelor and Master level.
Next to your research, education is an important part of your job.
The TU/e helps its scientific staff to further develop their teaching skills by offering a training program that leads to an official teaching certification from Dutch Universities (Basic Teaching Qualification).

Furthermore, you should have:

  • A PhD degree in AI, machine learning, or other relevant areas in computer science with an excellent track-record (according to career stage) demonstrated by high-quality research output.
  • Both a firm research vision and teaching vision.
  • Excellent communication and organization skills.
  • Strong cooperation skills and the ability to work in teams.

Conditions of employment

  • The positions are fully funded from 1st tier money.
  • A challenging job in a dynamic and ambitious university with the autonomy to have your own research line and participate in the curriculum of the department.
  • Successful candidates at the assistant professor level either follow the development track of five years with the prospect of becoming associate professor and a new group leader or join one of the existing groups, first with a one-year contract, which becomes permanent after receiving successful evaluation during the first year. For candidates with a more senior profile, a tailor-made career proposal can be developed.
  • You will have free access to high-quality training programs for academic leadership, the university teaching qualification program, research and valorisation competences, and a dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment.
  • Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Expats candidates may qualify for a tax incentive scheme, where 30% of your income is tax free for a (maximum) period of five years. Click here for more information.
  • Additionally, an annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.
  • A broad package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, savings schemes).
  • Family-friendly initiatives are in place, such as the Dual Career Opportunity program to support accompanying partners, an international spouse program, and excellent on-campus children day care and sports facilities.

Information and application

Information and application

Screening of applications and interviewing start immediately. Received applications will be processed in batches at two-four weeks intervals.

For general information regarding working at the TU/e, please visit

Further information with respect to the position can be obtained from  prof.dr. Mykola Pechenizkiy, m.pechenizkiy[at] or dr.habil. C. de Campos ,c.decampos[at]

For information concerning employment conditions click here or contact Elly van den Eertwegh, Talent Attraction Consultant (e.a.m.v.d.eertwegh[at]

How to apply

If you are interested in the position of tenure-track assistant professor and would like to apply, we invite you to submit a complete application by using the ‘apply now’-button on this page.
Your application must contain the following documents:

  • A cover letter explaining your motivation and suitability for the position.
  • A detailed CV including a full list of publications and achievements.
  • A research statement.
  • A teaching statement.
  • The contact information of three referees (they will not be contacted unless you are shortlisted and invited for an interview).

While there is no strict page limit, it is strongly recommended to be concise.

Please keep in mind you can upload only 5 documents up to 2 MB each. If necessary please combine files.


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