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PhD Research Fellowship in Digital Culture – Digital Narrative and Digital Humanities

There is a vacant PhD position at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies at the University of Bergen, starting during the Autumn 2022 semester. The appointment is for a fixed term of four years.

The successful candidate’s PhD project will investigate digital narrative as expressed through electronic literature, computer games, social media narratives, computational narrative systems, or new forms of digital narrative that use emerging technologies such as machine learning systems, XR, or conversational interfaces. The project may also integrate comparative analysis across different genres of digital narrative.

The project should apply digital humanities research methods and preferably make use of the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. These methods could for instance include data collection and curation, data analysis and visualization or interface design. Queer and intersectional perspectives addressing bias in digital humanities research infrastructure are also welcome.

The position will be associated with the Center for Digital Narrative (CDN), a finalist in the 2022 Norwegian Centers for Research Excellence scheme. The initiative is dedicated to humanities-driven research in electronic literature, games studies, digital culture, and computation to advance understanding of digital narrative. The research plan focuses on algorithmic narrativity, new environments and materialities, and the shifting cultural contexts in which digital narratives are received and processed. We will investigate how the interactions of human authors and non-human agents result in new narrative forms, how the materialities of digital narratives have changed over time, and how cultural contexts are reshaping the use and function of digital narrative.

Applicants must submit a proposed PhD project and a project description (see “How to apply” for details).

Qualifications and personal qualities:

  • The applicant must hold a Norwegian master’s degree or an equivalent foreign research-based MA (a five-year degree including the BA) in a relevant discipline such as digital culture, digital humanities, literary studies, game studies or media studies. It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded at the time of application. Applicants who do not have a Norwegian master’s degree will be evaluated according to the regulations of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).
  • As a rule, the applicant must have earned the grade A or B on their master’s thesis. The scope of the master’s thesis must be a minimum of 30 ECTS (one semester’s full-time work).
  • The applicant must both be able to work independently in a well-structured way and have good collaboration skills.
  • The applicant must be proficient in both written and oral English.

Applicants will be evaluated according to admission requirements in The Faculty of Humanities’ PhD Program pt. 2.1.

Experience in the following areas is an advantage:

  • Experience researching digital narratives in the MA thesis or other work.
  • Experience contributing to, analyzing data from, or otherwise working with a digital humanities database.
  • Teaching experience.

About the PhD position:

The main purpose of a PhD research fellowship is to complete a doctoral degree, which qualifies for independent research and for other forms of employment that demand specific competency. The duration of the PhD position is four years, of which 25 percent of the time comprises duties associated with teaching, dissemination of results, and administration. The plan for this part of the position is developed in collaboration with the department at the beginning of the employment period.

The employment period may be reduced for candidates who have previously been employed in a recruitment position at other institutions. Applicants who have already held a PhD position at the University of Bergen are not eligible for employment.

The PhD fellow will participate in Digital Culture events, PhD research schools, workshops and seminars at the University of Bergen.

The PhD position demands that the applicant has his or her regular workplace at the University of Bergen, at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies and complies with the guidelines that apply to the position.

International Center UiB has information about moving to Norway for international applicants.

About the research training
The PhD Candidates must participate in the faculty’s educational program for a PhD degree, this entails completing a training component of 30 ECTS, annual progress reporting and a midway evaluation halfway through the PhD period. Click here for additional details on the content and requirements of the PhD program at the Faculty of Humanities.

We can offer:

  • A good and professionally stimulating working environment.
  • Salary at pay grade 54 (Code 1017/Pay range 20, alternative 10) in the state salary scale, currently NOK 490 800 gross p.a. following ordinary meriting regulations.
  • Enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
  • A position in an inclusive workplace (IA) enterprise.
  • Good welfare benefits.

How to apply:

Applications must be sent electronically via the link on this site “APPLY FOR THIS JOB”. The applicant must use the electronic CV-form.

The following information must be enclosed and uploaded:

  • A cover letter giving a brief account of the applicant’s research interests and motivation for applying for the position. This should address the qualifications and personal qualities listed above, and how the applicant sees themselves fitting in the CDN.
  • CV.
  • Relevant diplomas and certificates.
  • Names and contact information for at least two references who can be contacted if the candidate reaches the interview stage.
  • A short summary of the master’s thesis (up to 3 pages) that explains how it relates to the advertised position.
  • A description of the proposed project (up to 5 pages). This should include:
    • A short summary of the proposed project.
    • Orientation in the research field. How is the project situated in the field, and how can it bring forward new insights?
    • Project objectives, research questions and/or hypothesis.
    • Theoretical orientation and methodology.
    • A progress plan for the PhD project.
    • Bibliography for the proposed project.
  • A list of any scholarly publications.
  • Copies of up to three scholarly publications.

Attachments can be either in Word or PDF-format. The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded at Jobbnorge.

General information:

Detailed information about the position can be obtained by contacting professors Scott Rettberg (scott.rettberg@uib.no) or Jill Walker Rettberg (jill.walker.rettberg@uib.no),or Head of department Anders Fagerjord, phone 55 58 36 53, email: (anders.fagerjord@uib.no).  

The public sector workforce should reflect the diversity of Norwegian society. People with immigrant backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.

The best qualified candidates for the position will be invited to an interview.

The University of Bergen applies the principle of public access to information when recruiting staff for academic positions. Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.

For further information about the recruitment process, click here.

Further information about the application here.

Questions or queries about the electronic application process can be directed to The Faculty of Humanities: fakadm@hf.uib.no.

Life as a PhD candidate at UiB

Marion Claireaux tells about life and work as a PhD candidate at UiB.


About UiB

The University of Bergen is a renowned educational and research institution, organised into seven faculties and approximately 54 institutes and academic centres. Campus is located in the centre of Bergen with university areas at Nygårdshøyden, Haukeland, Marineholmen, Møllendalsveien and Årstad. 

There are four departments and four centres at Faculty of Humanities. Read more about the faculty and departments. 

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