Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 54,000 students, more than 7,500 employees and a turnover of around SEK 8 billion.

Please NOTE that this advertisement does not refer to the annual call for doctoral positions of the Department of Government. The annual call (which also includes faculty-funded PhD positions not linked to specific research projects) will be announced in December 2022.

The Department of Government at Uppsala University provides a vibrant and internationally successful research environment. With approximately 60 faculty members and 40 PhD-students, we are recognized as one of the leading political science departments in the Nordic region.

The position is linked to the research consortium European Social Science Genetics Network (ESSGN) and the research project The genetics of life course outcomes: Leveraging new methods to advance social-science genomics. ESSGN consists of an interdisciplinary and cross-national group of academics, spanning demography, economics, epidemiology, genetics, political science, psychology, sociology, and statistics with a shared interest in social science genetics, i.e., in incorporating genetic information to improve our understanding of age-old questions in the social sciences, such as the origins of inequality, the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate, and the extent to which the interplay between environments and genes is important in shaping life chances. The project area is further described here and here. The dissertation project will be planned in collaboration with supervisors as an independent political science project within the framework of the overall research consortium. An important part of this position is participation in joint activities organized by the ESSGN consortium, for instance formal methods courses necessary to conduct research in this inter-disciplinary field.

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Employed doctoral students must primarily devote their time to their own degree work and dissertation research. Other departmental duties may also be included in the position, such as teaching or administrative tasks (no more than 20%). The duration of employment will be extended for a period corresponding to the time spent on departmental work.

For general eligibility, applicants must hold an advanced level graduate degree (Master’s degree equivalent or higher), have fulfilled course requirements of at least 240 ECTS points, of which at least 60 ECTS points must have been completed at an advanced level, or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

There are also two special eligibility criteria for this position. First, for admission to the doctoral studies program in political science, the applicant is required to have satisfactory results in courses equivalent to 90 ECTS points in political science or otherwise equivalent knowledge acquired in Sweden or abroad. Second, as the position is funded by an EU grant, the EU mobility rules apply. This means that the applicant must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (study, work, etc.) in Sweden for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the recruitment date.

The qualification requirements must be met by August 1, 2023. If the applicant does not meet the qualification requirements at the time of application, any potential notification of admittance will be preliminary until eligibility can be proven. No merits apart from general and special eligibility can be submitted after the deadline. The decision about admission will be based on the documentation that is attached to the application and submitted before the deadline.

We require very good oral and written proficiency in English. Applicants who have not attended an MA-program where the language of instruction has been Swedish or English have to verify English language proficiency by submitting a certificate of results from internationally recognized language tests, such as TOEFL or IELTS.

A further requirement for this position is also a strong background in quantitative methods.

A requirement for employment as a doctoral student is that the applicant must have been or will be admitted to the department’s doctoral studies program, where the aptitude to successfully complete the PhD program is crucial. Employment of doctoral students and admittance to the doctoral studies program are regulated by the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, section 7 and Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines.


The application must contain the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • A brief cover letter (max 500 words) indicating your motives for applying.
  • Research text. A research text, preferably an MA-thesis, authored by the applicant. The writing sample can be in English or Swedish. If the text is co-authored, it must be accompanied by a co-author statement and complemented by a single-authored secondary research sample.
  • Academic records. Transcripts of academic records to demonstrate qualification for admission.
  • Academic references. Contact information for two academic references (name, email address, and telephone number). No recommendation letter should be included.

The application may need to contain the following:

  • Secondary research text. A secondary research text authored by the applicant. It is mandatory to submit a secondary research text when the applicant’s primary research text is co-authored. In other cases, a secondary research sample is voluntary. The secondary writing sample can be in English or Swedish. If the text is co-authored, it must be accompanied by a co-author statement.
  • Co-author-statement. A co-author statement that should describe the independent research contributions of the applicant and each co-author. The statement should be signed by the co-author(s).
  • Certificate of English language skills. Certificate of English language written and oral proficiency from internationally recognized test such as TOEFL or IELTS. Applicants that have attended an MA-program where the language of instruction has been English or Swedish do not need to submit test scores.

More detailed information requirements are provided via this link: https://www.statsvet.uu.se/education/phd-programme 

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, section 7. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date September 1, 2023. Placement: Uppsala. 

A new employment as a PhD student applies for a maximum of one year. The Appointment may be prolonged for up to two years at a time. The total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral studies.

Salaries for doctoral students are regulated in a local agreement at Uppsala University.

For further information about the position, please contact: Project leader, Sven Oskarsson, sven.oskarsson@statsvet.uu.se.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than 23:59 (Swedish time) January 9 2023, UFV-PA 2022/4151.

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Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

Submit your application through Uppsala University’s recruitment system.

Placement: Department of Government

Type of employment: Full time , Temporary position longer than 6 months

Pay: Fixed salary

Number of positions: 1

Working hours: 100 %

Town: Uppsala

County: Uppsala län

Country: Sweden

Union representative: ST/TCO tco@fackorg.uu.se
Seko Universitetsklubben seko@uadm.uu.se
Saco-rådet saco@uadm.uu.se

Number of reference: UFV-PA 2022/4151

Last application date: 2023-01-09

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