For the independent research group “Theory of Biological Fluids” headed by Dr. David Zwicker we seek to fill a Ph.D. position (m/f/d) in Biological Physics.

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization is an international research institute in Göttingen, Germany. It performs both experimental and theoretical fundamental scientific research and currently employs about 300 people.

The research

The research group aims to understand how biological organisms organize fluid-like material. They currently focus on the organization principles of liquid droplets in biological cells, but they are also interested in broader questions in biological physics. They generally combine analytical insight from simple systems with more detailed numerical simulations to unveil biological design principles. Additionally, they build tailored models to interpret experimental data of collaborators.

We offer multiple possible projects on these topics of theoretical biophysics. The successful candidate may also shape their own research direction.

Your profile

We are looking for an excellent, enthusiastic, and self-motivated early-career researchers with good communication skills to join our research team.
The Ph.D. candidate should have:

  • A Master’s degree (or comparable) in physics, applied mathematics, or related disciplines from a recognized university
  • Interest in biological physics, soft matter, statistical physics, and complex systems (but previous experience is not required)
  • Strong quantitative skills (data analysis and programming)
  • Eagerness to learn new skills and apply established ones
  • Good command of the English language

Our offer

We are offering excellent working conditions in a highly international and interdisciplinary research environment. Salary and working hours follow the funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society for junior scientists: Working hours are fulltime; salary is 2/3 of E13 TVöD-Bund. A structured Ph.D. program is offered in the graduate program of the Physics Department, or in the graduate program on the Physics of Biological and Complex Systems in close collaboration with the Georg August University in Göttingen. The Ph.D. position is limited to three years. The starting date is flexible.

The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max
Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Your application

Please apply online with the reference number MPIDS-W071 and submit a cover letter, a CV, and contacts of two referees. Your cover letter should briefly describe your research interests, what excites you, and why you want to join our group. Applications received before 1st of June 2023 will be given full consideration. Written applications will not be sent back.

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Dr. David Zwicker
Am Faßberg 17
37077 Göttingen

Please contact
Dr. David Zwicker
should you have further questions.

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