Vasaparken Göteborgs universitet

Ref PAR 2023/756

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The department of education and special education, IPS, conducts research, postgraduate education and collaborative assignments in education and special education. Central areas of interest at the department are education and community relations, education system, school development and school leadership, adult education, inclusion, learning, language and assessment and grading issues. A large part of the department’s basic training takes place within various teaching programs, but we also have independent programs, courses and commissioned training in the above subjects.

For further information about the Department of Education and Special Education:

Subject area 


Subject area description 

Pedagogy as a scientific discipline deal with various aspects of upbringing, education, teaching, learning, knowledge formation and development in and outside educational institutions. The subject’s focus at the department is characterized by a clear societal perspective and deals with relationships between educational practices and the surrounding society, as well as the conditions and consequences of these practices for individuals, groups, and society. 


We are looking for a professor with an interest in actively leading and developing the department’s scientific activities. In addition to qualified research and teaching at undergraduate, advanced and postgraduate level, this also means academic leadership within the department and faculty. The current position is primarily focused on research and teaching within large-scale, quantitative methodology. The duties include conducting one’s own research, applying for external research funds, supervising doctoral students, taking advanced-level examinations and being an active and leading member of the department’s research environment FUR.

Employment as a professor at the Faculty of Education requires outstanding competence in the subject at the university, in the research community and in society. A professor enjoys a high degree of trust in relevant scientific matters and is the most qualified position at the University of Gothenburg.

The duties also include to;

  • Participate in relevant ways in the management and development of educational and research activities within the department, which may also include participating in management and development work at faculty or university level.
  • Contribute to research communication with the outside world, both within academia and with society in general.
  • Participate in the scientific community and undertake assignments as referee, expert, opponent, etc.
  • Collaborate with national and international research environments and with collaboration partners in society.
  • Participate in the academic conversation and contribute in a leading way to the maintenance of the academic environment at the department and faculty and thereby also to the development of the subject, both at the own department as well as nationally and internationally.


Eligible to be employed as a professor of pedagogy is someone who has demonstrated:

  • High degree of scientific skill
  • High degree of pedagogical skill
  • Good ability as an academic leader
  • Good ability to cooperate with the surrounding society in both education and research and to inform about research and development work

Eligibility to be employed as a professor is assessed partly for each area separately, partly through an overall assessment. Weak or lacking competence in one area cannot be fully compensated by good competence in others.

The Faculty of Education’s application of what is considered to be the minimum level of eligibility as a professor is stated in Criteria for hiring and promotion to professor at the Faculty of Education, Dnr GU 2021/2211.

Eligibility also requires that the applicant at the time of employment can teach in English.

Assessment criteria 

The merit assessment begins with an eligibility assessment. When assessing the applicant’s merits, the greatest and equal importance will be attached to scientific and pedagogical skills. When examining merits, equal care will be given to the review of the pedagogical skill as the review of the scientific skill, which is why the application should place as much weight on presenting the pedagogical merit as the scientific one.

When assessing applicants’ merits, emphasis will also be placed on leadership and administrative skills, interaction with the surrounding community and personal suitability.

The assessment basis for scientific skill requires a high degree of skill with a good national and international level as a researcher, good ability to develop, lead and carry out high-quality research and good ability to supervise, review and examine in education at postgraduate level. This means that, among other things, the degree of skill in the following aspects will be considered

  • Quality and originality in the research within the subject area of the position relative to the international scientific community
  • Productivity in scientific publishing
  • Ability to develop, lead and carry out research, individually and in collaboration with others, as well as demonstrated ability to obtain research grants in competition
  • Ability to supervise and review education at postgraduate level
  • Established position in the scientific community both locally and nationally as well as internationally through e.g. expert roles, scientific assignments, leading role in networks and demonstrated ability to contribute to collective values in the scientific community.

Assessment of scientific skill takes place in the first place in relation to the area that the scope of work specifies, in the second place in relation to the subject of pedagogy and in the third place in relation to other scientific activities.

For the assessment basis pedagogical skill, a high degree of skill is required, which includes a good ability to develop, lead and implement high-quality education at all levels, especially education at postgraduate level. This means that, among other things, skill in the following aspects will be considered

  • University teaching qualifications (training and courses)
  • Breadth and depth of teaching experience in the subject area of the position
  • Teaching skills
  • Progression and development in work as a teacher
  • Pedagogical development, writing of course literature and production of educational material
  • Pedagogical leadership and contribution to collegial knowledge formation
  • Higher education pedagogical rationality for the own pedagogical activities and its basis in science and proven experience

Assessment of pedagogical skill is done primarily in relation to the area defined by the job description, secondly in relation to the subject, including focus, and thirdly in relation to other teaching experience.

If a university teaching qualification in accordance with the requirements at the University of Gothenburg (courses PIL101, PIL102 and PIL103) is not available in connection with the application, this must be validated, or the specified training completed within one year from the start of employment (See /merits). The application must state the conditions for validation.

For the assessment basis of management ability and administrative skill, among other things, the following aspects will be considered

  • Possession and implementation of management assignments or assignments in decision-making and preparation bodies, regarding both education, research, and other aspects of the university’s operations
  • Formal and informal leadership in knowledge-building environments
  • Holding and implementation of fiduciary duties within academic activities nationally and internationally, independently or on behalf of the university, regarding both research and education including collaboration
  • Investigation work

For the assessment basis of cooperation with the surrounding society, the following aspects will be considered, among other things

  • Information about education, research, and development work in various forms
  • Efforts for public education and popular science
  • Initiation and implementation of collaborative projects with external actors
  • Relevant experience from and insights into the operations of important collaboration actors
  • Significant efforts in commissioned training and commissioned research

For the assessment basis of personal suitability, good judgment in professional matters, ability to fulfill the tasks included in the employment and ability to cooperate and contribute to the development of the business are considered.

In the case of teaching employment, the applicant must be selected who, after an overall assessment of skill and development potential, is deemed to have the best conditions to carry out the tasks included in the employment. It is important that the person employed should be able to contribute scientifically as well as pedagogically and have the personal qualities required to be able to collaborate internally and externally to contribute in a leading way to the academic development of the institution and the subject.

In addition to the assessment grounds that are considered in expert review (primarily scientific and pedagogical skill, and also management and administrative skill as well as cooperation with the surrounding society), the overall assessment will take into account the assessment basis of personal suitability.


Form of employment: Permanent employment, probationary employment may occur
Scope: Fulltime, 100%
Location: Department of education and special education
Access: By agreement
Diary number: PAR 2023/756

Selection process 

Applications received are processed by the Faculty of Education’s Teacher Proposal Committee and assessed by external experts who propose a tight group of applicants.

In the recruitment process, trial lectures/exercises/lectures, interviews and reference taking may then become relevant. In the interview, the applicant is given the opportunity to describe and develop his own view on the subject and on his possible future role at the institution. The overall assessment will also consider the assessment basis personal suitability, together with the assessment grounds considered in expert review.

Decisions about employment as a professor are made by the vice-chancellor at the University of Gothenburg.

For further information see

Contact information 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact head of departement, Anna-Carin Jonsson,  
If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR-officer, Frida Rydevik,


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: 


You apply for employment via Gothenburg University’s recruitment portal by clicking on the “Apply” button. The application should contain information and supporting documents relevant to the assessment relative to the grounds specified under Assessment basis. For instructions on the application see;–kan-om-anst–llning-som_befordran-till-professor-vid-uf.pdf

Referenced merits are expected to be explicitly described in relation to all criteria. What is cited as merit by the applicant linked to scientific skill must point to completed activities that have been given the status of completion by the scientific community (i.e., published, or accepted texts are taken into account, as well as granted applications). Pedagogical skill must be demonstrated based on qualitative and quantitative details of completed activities and cannot be assessed solely based on an enumeration of completed activities. External expert review is applied when it is clear at a glance that all criteria can be met. See also Guidelines for expert procedures at the Faculty of Education, dnr GU 2021/2004 (–r-sakkunnigf–rfarande.pdf).

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and the application form and that it is received by the university by the application deadline. The publications/writings that cannot be attached to the application digitally must, in two copies, be sent to:

Gothenburg University

Department of education and special education

Frida Rydevik

Box 300

405 30 Göteborg

Do not forget to enter the reference/diary number PAR 2023/756 on the shipment.

Applications must be received by: 2023-08-31 


Information for International Applicants 

Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit: 

The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

Salaries are set individually at the University.

In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

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