
Location: UK Other
Closing Date: Monday 31 July 2023
Reference: SCI2194

Supervisor: Dr Salim Alam

Secondary Supervisor: Dr Liz Bailey, Dr Helen Martin Markes International

Subject Area: Air quality, Pollution, Analytical Chemistry, Microplastics

Research Description

Changes to our daily lives are giving rise to different types of atmospheric emissions. For example, the reduction of industrial and automotive emissions, alongside soaring fuel costs, is increasing the importance of emissions from sources such as cooking and solid fuel burning (e.g. woodburning). Recent research has shown that pollutants from woodburning stoves in urban areas can be responsible for almost half of an individual’s exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. These changing patterns of emission, and pollutants that are emitted, are currently poorly described, and understood. New monitoring strategies and policies will be needed that incorporate these pollutants alongside traditional measurements.

The aim is to characterise the details of emissions from pollutant sources in both indoor and outdoor air and establish their environmental behaviour and risk. Gas and particulate samples will be collected in conjunction with the deployment of low-cost sensors within homes and urban areas, to comprehensively characterise emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter and oxidant precursors. Advanced training will be provided to run a suite of analytical and environmental instrumentation and the associated software solutions at both the University of Nottingham, Markes International and SepSolve Analytical. The candidate will have the opportunity to spend several weeks per year at the facilities of the industrial partners in Bridgend and Peterborough, UK, and collaborate with external scientists and attend international conferences. They will also have an opportunity to investigate atmospheric processing of VOC at the Saphir atmospheric simulation chamber, Julich, Germany.

Award Start Date: 01/10/2023

Duration of Award: 36 months

Terms and Conditions

36 months funded with an additional (unfunded) year for write up. This research studentship is only available to UK citizens and includes payment of tuition fees and a tax-free stipend based on UKRI rates (£18,622 pa).

Applicant Qualification Requirements

Applicants should have an interest in atmospheric science, environmental science, chemistry or physics. They should hold, or be expected to obtain, a minimum of a UK Honours degree at 2:1 or equivalent in a physical or environmental science subject. Candidates with an additional qualification (i.e. Masters) will be looked on favourably. Experience of laboratory and fieldwork will be essential.

How to Apply

Cover letter explaining why you feel you are a suitable candidate (maximum 1 page), alongside a curriculum vitae should be emailed to, after which a formal application can be made via the University website:

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