PhD Research Fellow in Information Systems
About the position Position as PhD Research Fellow in Information Systems available at Department of Informatics. Preferred starting date October…
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About the position Position as PhD Research Fellow in Information Systems available at Department of Informatics. Preferred starting date October…
Job description A position as PhD Research Fellow in hydrogen storage is available at Department of Technology Systems, ITS. Preferred…
Job description There are 1-2 vacant positions at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography for research fellows (SKO 1017)…
About the position Position as PhD Research Fellow in formal analysis of concurrent systems available at the Reliable Systems group…
Job description Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship at the Section for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Department of Psychology,…
PhD Research Fellow – Institutt of Clinical Dentistry A 3-4 year PhD Research fellowship (position code 1017) is available at…
Job description Applications are invited for a four year position as PhD Candidate in education to be based at the…
Job description There is a vacant position at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography for a postdoctoral fellow (SKO…
Job description Applications are invited for a 4-year Research Fellowship position as a PhD Candidate in Molecular Cell Biology to…
Job description Two PhD fellowships are available at the PROMENTA Research Center, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. The PhD…
Job description An open PhD fellow position is available at the Section for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (CCN) at the…
Job description An open Ph.D. Fellow position in health psychology* is announced at the Section for Health, Developmental and Personality…
IIT invites excellent candidates to apply to its PhD program organized in collaboration with the Open University; this international PhD…
IIT invites excellent candidates to apply to its PhD program organized in collaboration with the Open University; this international PhD…
IIT invites excellent candidates to apply to its PhD program organized in collaboration with the Open University; this international PhD…
The Department of Architecture and Planning is looking for one Ph.D. candidate in Future-oriented urban transport modeling. The position is…
Stilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til doktorgrad som mål. Stilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til doktorgrad…
Ved Fakultetet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitskap, Institutt for lærarutdanning, er det ledig ei stilling som ph.d.-stipendiat i norsk grammatikkdidaktikk. Arbeidsstaden…
Institutt for lærerutdanning, Fagseksjon for engelsk og fremmedspråk, tilbyr en heltids 3-årig stipendiatstilling for å delta i prosjektet “Affect, Identity,…
We have a vacancy for a PhD position in the field of digital health and health systems at the Department…
There is a vacancy for one PhD candidate at The Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, in collaboration with…
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in mathematics education at the Department of Teacher Education. The Department of…
Ved Institutt for psykologi er det en ledig midlertidig stilling som stipendiat i en periode på fire år. Stillingene er…
The position is for the duration of four years, of which one year duty work upon agreement. The candidate must…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
We have a vacancy for a highly motivated PhD candidate to join the Bionanotechnology and Biomaterials group at the Department…
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate at the Centre for Top Sports Research (SenTIF), Department of Neuromedicine and…
We have a vacancy for a PhD student to be affiliated with the newly funded project ‘Violence-inducing Behavior Prevention in…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
About the position We have a PhD vacancy for three years at theK. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology,Department of…
Stipendiatstillingen er knyttet til prosjektet «Pårørenderollen og litteratur som remedium», finansiert avDet humanistiske fakultetogNTNU Helse. Stillingen vil være knyttet til…
Vi har ledig stilling som stipendiat ved Institutt for sosialantropologi knyttet til forskningsprosjektet «CURE – Conceptualizing and Understanding Resistance against…
Vedinstitutt for helsevitenskap i Ålesund (IHA), Fakultet formedisin og helsevitenskap (MH) ved NTNU, er det ledig stilling som stipendiat innen…
At the Department of Geography, NTNU, there is a vacancy for a temporary position as a Research Fellow in Human…
We are looking for highly motivated people who are interested in joining the Yap research group as a PhD-candidate in…
Ved Institutt for språk og litteratur (ISL) er det ledig inntil to stillinger som stipendiat i nordisk litteraturvitenskap tilknyttet forskningsprosjektet…
We are looking for a qualified candidate to fill a 3-year PhD position, with the possibility of an additional year…
This PhD project is in line with the research activities performed at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology…
We have a vacancy for a 100 % position as PhD candidate in the fields of computational and experimental tumor…
The Department of Social Anthropology is looking for a qualified candidate to fill a 3-year Doctoral Fellowship in migrations and…
We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate at theDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The project title is Integrated…
For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.…
PhD Candidate in sociology connected to the research group “Digitalization and social life” The PhD-position is a temporary position for…
We apply for a PhD candidate on the topic Sustainable food governance and international entanglements in the case of salmon…
The Department of sociology and political science has a vacant position as PhD in sports science. The purpose of the…
The PhD-position is a temporary position for a period of three years. The position may be ascribed obligation to work…
We apply for a PhD candidate on the topic climate change from a public health perspective. The PhD-position is a…