Vitenskapelig assistent i Form og Farge 1 og 2
Ved Institutt for arkitektur og teknologi er det ledig en 100 % midlertidig stilling som vitenskapelig assistent. Ansettelsesperioden er for…
Ved Institutt for arkitektur og teknologi er det ledig en 100 % midlertidig stilling som vitenskapelig assistent. Ansettelsesperioden er for…
The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic…
This position is a fixed term, full time (100 %) position for 3 years and available from October 1st, 2022.…
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in Eco-Visualization for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods for a 3 years PhD fellowship…
At the Department for Teacher Education, NTNU We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in Music and arts, community…
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in “Multivariate image processing for hyperspectral images” at the Department of Computer…
Om stillingen Ved Institutt for psykologi er det ledig en midlertidig stilling som stipendiat i utviklingspsykologi for en periode på…
Om stillingen Ved Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU lyses det ut en treårig stilling som stipendiat. En stipendiatstilling har fullført doktorgradsutdanning…
The Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacancy for a researcher for one year in the reactor technology group. Starting…
The Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacancy for a one year Researcher position for investigations of co-flowing particles and…
The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic…
The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic…
We have a vacancy for a 100 % position as PhD candidate which is available from the Autumn of 2022.…
About the position The Department of Marine Technology, has a vacancy for a PhD Candidate within the field of Analysis…
About the position Digestive system diseases like Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer, are affecting a large population across…
stipendiat innen medisin og helsevitenskap Stipendiatstillingen vil være tilknyttet forskningsprosjektetVINGO (Voksne med Institusjonserfaring – Gode overganger) Prosjektet er en oppfølgingsstudie…
Ved Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse (IØT) har vi ledig en stilling som stipendiat i industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse.…
Vi har ledig stilling som stipendiat ved Institutt for sosialt arbeid, NTNU. Stilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til…
We have a vacancy for 2 years at The Department of Chemical Engineering. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary…
There is a temporary position available at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT) as Postdoctoral Fellow for…
There is a vacancy for a PhD position on regional climate impacts from Nature-Based Solution (NBS) application at the Department…
About the position We have a vacancy for a 3-year PhD candidate in digital supply chain management atDepartment of Mechanical…
The position is with theAutonomous Robots Labof NTNU and focuses on fundamental and applied research in the domain of resilient…
Two PhD positions are available at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and…
At the Department of Electric Power Engineering (IEL), there is a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow. The position is funded…
The Department of Computer Science (IDI) have a vacancy for a 100% Postdoc in emerging learning technologies. The postdoctoral fellowship…
A PhD fellowship is available at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, NTNU (Trondheim, Norway), with an expected start…
The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) hosted by the Department of Industrial Economics and…
At the Department of ICT and Natural Sciences (IIR)we have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in the area of…
The vacant positions is funded by the Novo Nordisk Fonden and is part of a collaboration between several research groups…
The Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant…
The Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food sciences (KBM) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is advertising a…
At the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Faculty of Biosciences, a 3-year PhD position is vacant. The PhD student…
The Departments of Preclinical Sciences, Paraclinical Sciences and Companion Animal Clinical Sciences at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the…
The Faculty of Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant PhD–position related to…
Job description Work environmentEindhoven University of Technology ( is one of Europe’s top technological universities, situated at the heart of…
Job description Work environmentEindhoven University of Technology ( is one of Europe’s top technological universities, situated at the heart of…
Job description About FlexH2 ProjectThe Shell-led research project FlexH2, which stands for Flexible Offshore Wind Hydrogen Power Plant Module, intends…
Job description Project With the rise of deep learning (DL), our world braces for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in every edge…
Job description Project With the rise of deep learning (DL), our world braces for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in every edge…
Job description In the last 40 years the systematic downscaling of CMOS Integrated Circuit (IC) technologies has enabled unprecedented improvements…
Job description Are you looking to help secure the world using quantum protocols? The TU Eindhoven is developing a large,…
Job description For the development of new materials, we need control over the structure of matter on multiple length scales…
Job description The lack of timely diagnosis and appropriate intervention threatens the preservation of built cultural heritage. For instance, modern…
Job description The DREAM is a PATHFINDER research project involving several academic partners, research institutes and industrial partners. DREAM is…
Job description In the last 40 years, the systematic downscaling of CMOS Integrated Circuit (IC) technologies has enabled unprecedented improvements…
Job description The notion of fairness has a long history within mathematical optimization. Clearly, in problems where entities or agents…
Job description As a part of a European initiative including musea and research institutes and in collaboration with Gent University,…
Job description Heat batteries / Fifty percent of our daily energy usage is in the form of thermal energy. In…
Job description As a visiting lecturer/researcher you will continue to do your own research, but you will also join the…