Fellow position in System Integration Engineer for Legged Robots
Project: INAIL Robot Teleoperativo project (J59C20001590005) Commitment & contract: 1 year temporary contract Location: Genoa, Italy ABOUT US At IIT…
Project: INAIL Robot Teleoperativo project (J59C20001590005) Commitment & contract: 1 year temporary contract Location: Genoa, Italy ABOUT US At IIT…
IIT invites excellent candidates to apply to its PhD program organized in collaboration with the Open University; this international PhD…
Commitment & contract: PostDoc (Collaborator) Location: CCHT@Ca’ Foscari, Venice ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science…
Commitment & contract: PostDoc (Collaborator) Location: Venice ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and Technology…
Project: ‘Cultural Landscapes Scanner (CLS): Earth Observation and automated detection of subsoil undiscovered cultural heritage sites via AI approaches’ Commitment…
CHI SIAMO In IIT lavoriamo con entusiasmo per sviluppare scienze e tecnologie che hanno come centro l’essere umano. In questo…
Project: THE – Tuscany Health Ecosystem (PNRR) Commitment & contract: collaboration contract, 18 months Location: Pisa, CNI@NEST – Pontedera CMI@SSSA…
Project: ergoCubCommitment & contract: collaboration contract, 1 years with possibility to extend until end of project (dec 2023).Location: Center for…
Commitment & contract: fixed term contract Location: CCT@Morego Genova WHO WE ARE At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered…
Commitment & contract: Post-doctoral position Location: CHT@Erzelli Genova ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and…
Commitment & contract: 5 Years Location: IIT Erzelli ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and…
Commitment & contract: 5 Years Location: IIT Erzelli ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and…
Commitment & contract: full-time, duration 2 years Location: CCT@Morego Genova WHO WE ARE At IIT, we work enthusiastically to develop…
Project: Study of LINE-1 retrotransposons as long non-coding RNAs in brain development and diseases Commitment & contract: Full-time, collaboration contract,…
Project: Long read sequencing for non-coding RNAs and RNA-based therapeutics Commitment & contract: collaboration contract, duration: 24 months Location: CHT…
Commitment & contract: Collaborator Location: CCT@Morego ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and Technology to…
Commitment & contract: PostDoc (Collaborator) Location: Venice ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and Technology…
Commitment & contract: PostDoc (Collaborator)Location: VeniceWHO WE AREAt IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and Technology to tackle…
Commitment & contract: PostDoc (Collaborator) Location: Venice ABOUT US At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop human-centered Science and Technology…
Project: Alberobotics Commitment & contract: Fixed term 1-year contract with renewal option Location: IIT – Center for Robotics and Intelligent…
Project: RELAX ( Robot Enabler for Load Assistive relaXation), grant agreement n° F/190042/01-03-X44, funded by MISE Commitment & contract: Fixed…
Commitment & contract: Postdoctoral researcher (2 years) Location: Genoa, Italy WHO WE ARE At IIT we work enthusiastically to develop…
Project: Sistemi Cibernetici Collaborativi – Robot Teleoperativo 2 Commitment & contract: Postdoctoral, until 31st December 2023 Location: Center for Robotics…
Project: MIRROR Commitment & contract: Fixed term 1-year contract with renewal option Location: IIT – Center for Robotics and Intelligent…
Project: HyperLEG Commitment & contract: fixed term contract until December 2023 Location: CCT@Morego Genova ABOUT US At IIT we work…
Project: Investigating genome structural variability at the nanoscale Commitment & contract: Postdoctoral position, 1 year collaboration contract (renewable) Location: CHT,…
The Department of Architecture and Planning is looking for one Ph.D. candidate in Future-oriented urban transport modeling. The position is…
We are pleased to advertise a position as a senior application scientist at the 2-photon miniscope imaging facility (2MIF) of…
Stilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til doktorgrad som mål. Stilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til doktorgrad…
Det er ledig en 100% fast stilling som førsteamanuensis i RLE, med fokus på filosofi og etikk Som ansatt i…
Ved Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap, Senter for Toppidrettsforskning (SenTIF), har vi har ledig stilling som postdoktor. Mer informasjon om…
The Department of Architecture and Planning (IAP) is seeking a candidate for a position as Professor/Associate Professor in Urban and…
Ønsker du å utdanne morgendagens økonomer og logistikkleder i økonomistyring? Vil du være med å videreutvikle vår undervisning i økonomistyring…
Ønsker du å utdanne morgendagens økonomer og logistikkleder i økonomistyring? Vil du være med å videreutvikle vår undervisning i økonomistyring…
Ved Fakultetet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitskap, Institutt for lærarutdanning, er det ledig ei stilling som ph.d.-stipendiat i norsk grammatikkdidaktikk. Arbeidsstaden…
Institutt for lærerutdanning, Fagseksjon for engelsk og fremmedspråk, tilbyr en heltids 3-årig stipendiatstilling for å delta i prosjektet “Affect, Identity,…
Er du en lagspiller og relasjonsbygger? Brenner du for at studenter skal få god oppfølging underveis i studieløpet? Motiveres du…
NTNUs Internasjonale handlingsplan har bl.a. som målsetting å øke utnyttelsen av EUs rammeprogrammer, også innenfor forskning, for å sikre høy…
The Department of Biotechnology and Food Science is seeking a candidate for a position as Professor or Associate Professor in…
We have a vacancy for a PhD position in the field of digital health and health systems at the Department…
There is a vacancy for one PhD candidate at The Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, in collaboration with…
The Department of Psychology currently has approximately 1300 students and more than 140 employees. The Department holds a large and…
The Department of psychology has a vacancy as an Associate Professor in health psychology. Study foci relevant to the field…
The Department of Computer Science (IDI), group for Data and Artificial Intelligence (DART), has a vacancy for the position of…
At the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences / Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging / Norwegian University of Science…
We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in political science for a period of two years, three years if…
The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic…
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in mathematics education at the Department of Teacher Education. The Department of…
Stillingen er hovedsakelig knyttet til instituttets forskningsaktivitet innen produksjon, raffinering og resirkulering av metaller og metallurgiske sidestrømmer. Den som ansettes…
Ved Institutt for psykologi er det en ledig midlertidig stilling som stipendiat i en periode på fire år. Stillingene er…